Want Less Stress and More Happiness?

Hi, I’m Sylvia Lane and I love helping busy people calm their chaos. Are you ready to breathe and let go with me?

Get your free guide on how to de-stress and ignite your inner light with only 1% effort every day

#meditation #reiki #qigong #fengshui #dowsing

Hi Soul Voyagers,

Reduce Your Stress By Learning How To Calm Your Chaos Whilst Building your Business!

“Our body and our soul requires some moments to just be. I have found some of my post peaceful and most beautiful moments come from just sitting in silence. And from there I can take my insight, clarity and light out into the world” – Sylvia

As a small business owner, you have to wear many hats consistently throughout the day. This can lead to scattered energy, feeling tired, burnt out and anxious

Unfortunately, this also leads to poor decision making that can often cause even more stress and anxiety in your business.

Are you ready to reclaim your power and sanity?

Are you ready to start enjoying your business again?

The biggest challenge I see small business owners facing is burn out and stress.  Especially mums who then have to go home and care for a family and home.  Not only does this level of stress impact your personal life and health, but very often your business ends up paying the price.

I can help you calm your chaos and clear and activate the energy of your business so you can start to enjoy what you do, and get handsomely rewarded for it too!

Vibrational Energy

Clearing, rebalancing, and energising


-Feng Shui


Stress Tips

Calm the chaos, find your bliss




Business Tips

Grow your biz sustainably


-Social Media

-Feng Shui


Read our latest blogs here:

Feng Shui is the ancient art of balancing and harmonising the energies of your environment. With a strong focus on the five elements of water, metal, fire, wood and earth, Feng Shui creates vibrancy and abundance whilst helping to clear negative blockages and stagnant energies.

In Chinese medicine, there is the believe that the face represents the energies, health and tendencies of a person. Face reading can tell you about each of these values.

Take the quiz to find out your dominant leadership style based on the 5 elements of water, fire, earth, metal and wood.

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Learn how to calm your chaos whilst you build your business

Promise to only send the good stuff!

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Basically, all you’re interested in!