Reiki Distant Group Healing


Calming and healing, receiving a distant Reiki healing can increase your vibrational frequency and calm your chaos.

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Calm Your Chaos and Find Your Serenity with a Distant Reiki Healing!

Reiki has been deemed mystical by many, but with more people, doctors and other health professionals recommending Reiki, its popularity is growing.

Many think that healing with Reiki can only be achieved through physical touch, but this is very far from the truth.  Reiki heals on an energetic level, incorporated into a holistic healing energy framework that is not hindered by time or space.

Enjoy a distant Reiki healing session with me and:

  • Feel calmer
  • Feel Lighter and more centred, 
  • Feel more grounded and relaxed
  • Aid your body’s natural healing processes
  • Develop greater spiritual well-being.

What to Expect:

When purchasing your treatment, please let me know of any concerns that you would like me to work on.

I do a group healing weekly.  By purchasing a distant healing Reiki your name will be added to my healing box and a healing sent out to everyone when I do a healing session.  Time will be spent focusing on each person.  This is a powerful healing to receive, either for yourself or a friend.


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